Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 46: Feeling Something New

I woke up today with a new thought about PCP.
I realized that this isn't something I'm doing because I have to do it or someone else is making me do... I'm doing this because I want to. So it is time to stop being grumpy about working out.

I think it is important to get in my best shape and relearn how to eat in a healthy-as-possible way. And it is only going to last for 44 more days. So I have to take some tips from Patrick, my Running Rats crew, and the past PCPers to heart. Starting today.

I didn't jump first thing, because I realize that I don't really jump as effectively when I'm not
fully awake, and was okay with that.

Delicious, over-the-top breakfast, because arugula is almost weightless, you can barely see the german pancake (120 mg flour, 120 ml milk, 2 eggs baked in a cast-iron skillet with a wee bit of olive oil coating for 15 minutes at 200-210 degrees Celsius: split with one person to stay on
PCP track).

Unpleasant task of ironing eagerly performed, so that I can finally hem those small-waisted pants and finally have something to wear to work this week that fits me!

Followed by a good, hard workout complete with the jumping because it is fun and goofy and what you do when you are nine years old, then lots of talking myself through the pistol squats, push-ups and bicycles.

The weather today, pouring rain followed by hot sun that dries off the bike paths, seems to echo this transition in my thoughts.

Gloomy with bits of clear, blue sky... ah, Germany!


  1. This is an important line that every PCPer crosses eventually. "Hey, I actually kind of like this!" That's your body sending you the message that it's getting stronger and accessing all kinds of new energy stores, and it LIKES it!

  2. Congratulations on passing the halfway mark! I love the weather-as-representation-of-the-mind. :-)

  3. Love the salad for breakfast! Switching from cereal to food like this reminds me of the scene in 'The Wizard of Oz,' when they shift from black & white film to color.

  4. As the saying goes: "PCP does not work, YOU do." You can quit whenever you want, but you know there is a reason you signed up for this, and a reason you want to finish it, and stay healthy for the rest of your life.
    Being non-Peak is NOT more fun and you know it! Failure is good, pain only hurts, progress must be earned.
    You are half-way there to the beginning of the rest of your life -- doing great so keep it up!

  5. definatly going to make/copy that pancake. IT LOOKS DELICIOUS!
