Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 36: Just Dance

I still have my tough jumping moments, but breaking out into dancing helps a lot.
Lady Gaga is surprisingly inspiring.

I'm still talking myself into doing this whole project most days...
"This is just for you, so you know how to be healthy and take care of your body for life.
This isn't about losing weight or none of your pants fitting any more...
Yes, all of your friends are watching, but that's a good thing.
Of course it is hard, that's why you're making progress. Just do your jumps already!"
or some combination of this.

I'm hoping the happy, happy exercise love will kick in soon. Props to my fellow peakers for hanging in when times get tough!


  1. Props to YOU for hanging in when times get tough! Jumping is not easy. I definitely still can't jump more than 200 or so w/o tripping. I say, any reason that keeps you going is reason enough to do it. Your progress is totally inspiring—your photos look awesome! Grrrr...muscles!

  2. Lady Gaga is awesome inspiration! If I was going to do PCP she totally would be my hero-person-thingy. The most jumps I ever did without tripping was the entirety of "Bad Romance." Having something, anything, to focus on is, I think, the key; even when one trips, one has a reason to keep going and not be overwhelmed by frustration! Keep it up! Even people you don't know and will never meet are rooting for you!

  3. This kind of healthy self talk is key to success. Good stuff.
