Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 23: Uneven Eating Makes Me Grumpy!

Today sucked.
I was tired and feeling kind of on autopilot.
I've been having trouble getting to sleep early (as I type this at 11pm) and with my morning up and out by 7am routine, going to sleep late just doesn't jive.
Of course it was a jammed-packed day of teaching, riding fast to my tutoring session, shopping, and going over to a friend's place for a party.
With cookies.
Delicious homemade cookies.
That I wasn't going to eat.
Because I can do the self-talk... you can eat those cookies for the rest of your life, but for these 90 days you are NOT eating the cookies.
But damn, I wanted those home-baked M&M cookies!
It probably didn't help that I stayed a little too long, then biked home and then didn't start my workout until 9pm, then ate the protein part of my way-too-extended dinner around 9:45. I was feeling pretty down during the workout... hungry, tired, overwhelmed... and cried through several sets of my leg-ups! Not easy to do. This probably means I should be doing more if I can both work my abs and cry, clearly I'm not focused enough!

I guess it's good that I can push myself through the workout, even when I'm feeling completely unenthused about doing so. 67 more days seems very, very far away today.


  1. These days are key. It's no big deal to stick to everything when you're having a great day. But making it through in the low times is the difference between "pretty good" and "peak" condition!

  2. Aw! At least you did it! And I don't know about you, but resisting temptation like that makes me feel pretty good, even when it lingers long after the food has disappeared from view. Go Team Running Rats!!

  3. Good for you for sticking to you guns, not eating the cookies, AND powering through your workout after such a long day. Seriously awesome! TGIF!

  4. Wow, you made the cookies yourself, gave them to everyone, and did not eat any: BLACK BELT SKILLZ! Well done. Feels good, huh? Trust me, it feels better for longer than the satisfaction of just eating the cookie.

  5. Wow those cookies look AWESOME!

  6. Damn, I thought I was good for buying my work crew doughnuts (Krispe Kreme) and then not touching them. But MAKING cookies...!?


  7. I can't take credit for making the cookies. My friend made them for her party. But I did make a coconut custard pie to take over to a friend's dinner party and didn't eat that!
