Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 34: Grumble, grumble

Still... jumping... poorly.
Usually it takes about 200 jumps for me to get in a groove.

But today it took 1000 before I felt like I had some real momentum.


I'm not sure what masters of roping I am in this PCP match-up with (go team!) but I am a little jealous and certainly lagging in the masterful, continuous, trip-less jumping.

It just isn't happening for me.

Since I'm in a glum mood, here are some lowlights of the trip to Amsterdam.
Though this has a very low percentage of fat, it is not skim milk. Karnemelk is buttermilk. Though it is very like kefir, which is palatable, it is not the same. And it tastes crappy. Especially when you feel like you bought the whole container and no one else is going to drink it. Bleh.

Amsterdam was in the midst of a sanitation workers strike, so the whole city (actually the whole country) looked crappy and occasionally smelled that way, too.

After walking around endlessly for two days my feet were killing me. Then I did some floor jumps on the balcony. Grrr.

Okay, but my friend made delicious green tea, many cafes have fresh mint tea (without sugar!) and my friend has a lovely cat that watched me curiously during all my exercises. And it was sunny, actually really truly sunny in Amsterdam on Sunday. I guess the buttermilk didn't taint everything. I just wish I could get my jump on.


  1. Don't sweat the roping--it'll come. And believe me, I've had plenty of days (including yesterday!) when I've tripped a gazillion times before the half-way point. And for no reason--same rope, same surface, same great hair-metal/industrial music in the background.

  2. I am on day 80 and today I could not hit 20 jumps in a row at ALL. And I had to jump straight for 21 minutes!
    You just grit yer teeth, squeeze your shoulder blades together, and get it done.

  3. Believe me, I'm no master, I go one smooth day then I regress and trip every 30-40 jumps...very frustrating, but always up and look ahead, tomorrow will be the day that it clicks!

  4. the carny milk is still in my fridge. i will flush it down where it deserves to be later today. say goodbye.

  5. Per jumping 0 I have embraced that the real idea is getting comfortable with the failure and speeding up the get going again. It is a good metaphor for life when I expect everything to go my way. On good days I just enjoy the jumping. Sometimes I trip a great deal - others not so much. Having a strong positive mental position is a great outcome...let it happen!

  6. What kind of rope are you using?

  7. You look GREAT! Major changes already! The jumping will get easier - stay calm and you'll find a good rhythm.
