Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 39: Long Live the Juicer!

It seemed a bit of a splurge...
but it is so AWESOME!

My afternoon snack of fruit and yogurt was made even better by having freshly juiced apple and blueberries to mix with the yogurt for a crazy creamy tart smoothie. So, so yum.

Also good for an evening vegetable snack: carrot, radish, spinach juice anyone? The carrots make everything taste a little sweeter.

Yay for home juicing!

Now I'm off to what will be a real challenge to my PCP state of mind.
I'm still somewhere between the white and blue belt stages when it comes to not snacking (see Patrick's blog for more details):

But today I'm headed off to the Berg, a definite black belt encounter.
The town I live in is known for three things: being the epicenter of engineering/medical technology/electronics giant Siemens, the home of the Erlangen-Nürnberg University and the 3rd largest Beer fest in all of Germany (after Munich and Stuttgart, towns that eclipse the population of wee Erlangen 6-13 times over). It is definitely an event that I shouldn't miss. Except that I'm not drinking.

which makes me feel a little like this:

To be fair, there are many other excellent times for drinking outdoors in Germany, so really I can tough out the next 51 days (who's counting?) and delight in my new muscle tone instead. But they'll have those really salty big-as-your-head pretzels too. And probably grilled whole fish.

Good thing the Bergkirchweih is only two weeks.


  1. Yeah, except we got the cheap 45 euro version at Aldi, which is, strangely what Trader Joe's is modeled after, except Aldi is distinctly working-class and Trader Joe's is distinctly not. That said, cheapo juicer is rocking the juices rather faithfully, so we can't complain yet. =)
