Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 70: Mustering up some strength

It is probably the stress of finishing up my first year in a new school and the new German class I just started, coupled with the requisite food prep. and workout time of PCP, but I am EXHAUSTED. Almost too worn out to be enthusiastic about 20 MORE DAYS of PCP!
but not quite.

I had a 1-hour window between school and German class this afternoon in which to do my jumps. Instead I put on my all my workout gear and fell asleep on the couch, which made me late for class.

Now I am cursing the neighbors setting off fireworks and blowing those #@%! horns for the World Cup that keep me from sleeping.

In a few hours, I will be cursing at the birds that awaken me with their 4am singing (that is right before the sun comes up). Grrrr.

The time of day when I like to still have my eyes shut.

Only 20 days left of getting into peak condition, but my grumpiness refuses to leave! Hrmph.


  1. This is tiring! And I can't imagine the workouts you're doing, compared to mine... Hang in there! Only 20 more days left!

  2. Just keep your head down and plow on through.
