Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 61: Unsatisfied

It's a weird way to feel on your birthday.
I'm stuck in between being lackadaisical and feeling defeated.

Concern #1: Hunger
I thinking I'm not eating enough vegetables when Patrick says AMAYW (as many as you want) for lunch and dinner.

Concern #2: Enough of the Salads
Having had out-of-town visitors, I would accompany my guests to good German restaurants where the only thing remotely PCP friendly was, you guessed it, SALAD! I've eaten so many. Somtimes two in a day. Enough!

Concern #3: The Six-Pack
It's not a make-or-break for me. I still have some stomach fat and little rolls when I sit and stare at my stomach. (I try not to do this often) I don't think the six-pack is coming for me. And I don't really care. The not caring is the part that concerns me more. If I'm doing this whole 90-day project, shouldn't I care? Am I just saying I don't care because I'm feeling anxious that it won't happen? No, I think I really don't care!

Concern #4: Lack of Abs
I know, this ties into the prior concern, but I still feel really weak on the V-Sits, Bicycles (which are more of a leg workout than the abs--Thank you Jason! I'm glad I'm not the only one with this concern!) and the not-even-close Kung-fu Sit-ups. I probably need to crackdown and finally do that 8-minute ab video. Hrrmph.

All of this is probably not made better by my avoidance of my workout until now (after 9pm here). At least the sun is still up. I've got to get to it!


  1. Re worrying about whether you care about the six-pack or not: this is coming from someone who's only 2 weeks into this process, but I think it's better to not be attached to the results. If you put your best effort into every day and every activity, then that's all you can control. So I would say you're probably in better mental shape because you're not fretting about getting a six-pack. It'll happen or it won't -- you're making amazing progress all the same.

  2. Regarding the six pack:

  3. Forget about all that other stuff for 2 seconds: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Your sun is up at 9PM!?

    Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy birthday!! (Kristen via another google account)

  6. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Gang!
    And Mikhael, sunrise today: 4:08 AM; sunset: 8:24 PM... but it's still light until around 10PM! No wonder I'm having trouble sleeping.
