Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 63: 9 Weeks Down!

Go Team Running Rats!
Beautiful sunset here... seven more days of school. Then I can focus on becoming my most awesome, buff self.

In other news, I spoke about eating well and knowing where your food comes from and the need for unprocessed foods in our lives in German class today. Not only a real conversation starter, but I could make myself understood auf Deutsch!

I've been so busy with PCP, teaching & end-of-year wrap-up, and German, that my capoeira practice has slacked off. I'm hoping I can get back into the swing with that soon. Otherwise my goal of doing some awesome gymnastic moves will be unrealized in the 90-day timeframe I was hoping for.

Well, good luck to us all as we enter WEEK TEN!!!! Yay RRs!

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