Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 89: The Day that was lost in the Void

Can you say 'hot?' Jeez Louise!I had to show off just how much I was sweating to all those around because I was not only dripping from my face, head, arms, chest... well, the normal parts... but also I had big drips of sweat down my legs!
Needless to say, the plank failure in today's workout was not all related to my ab muscles and more related to the friction quotient betwixt yoga mat and sweaty arms. Alas.

I knew this was the hardest workout and yes, there was some grunting and exasperated breathing, but it was do-able. I still had that horrible idea midway through: Is this really what I want to be doing? but I pushed that unhelpful thought away with a forceful exhalation.

It's a weird feeling being almost done. Weirder still that we are somewhere between Day 88 (the sequel) and "COMPLETE!" It makes me question what I've done so far and wonder if there's more still to come.

Do I have the tools to get myself into the best shape ever?

Do I feel healthier and more aware of diet, exercise and the importance of sleep in feeling good and being energetic?

Am I proud of what I've accomplished?

Do I think I could have pushed myself more some days on some exercises?

Am I in Peak Condition?

It's this last part that's causing me a little angst. You see, I still haven't achieved all of my Day 1 goals. I've exceeded others (hello, weight loss!? wow!) But I am wondering about the could-have-dones that I didn't do. That--- let's face it-- if I didn't do during this 90-day blitz, will I ever?

On Day 91, I'm also headed for a two-week+ vacation to the U.S. It is a little, but expensive treat to myself because of my hard work and because I really do want to see my friends and family. I'll celebrate with a friend at her wedding, go camping and hiking with my folks, and tool around the old neighborhood and eat out (often) with friends. I'm really looking forward to the trip, but also conscious that the PCP maintenance plan starts on Wednesday and I don't want to blow it just because I'm away from home.

Perhaps it is like Patrick suggests: just focus on one thing at a time, don't look ahead and psych yourself out of it. Still breathing... and sweating.


  1. Dude, I'm already anxious about PCP maintenance and I still have 6 weeks to go! We're working so hard, I want to be sure I'm not just going to go right back to where I was. I think the "focus on one thing at a time" advice is good, though. You'll be in a different situation, on vacation and in the US, but you've gained so much knowledge that I know you'll be able to handle it.

  2. Everyone RELAX! You're body isn't going to blimp out suddenly!

  3. I don't think we have anything to worry about because a) even if we are not at the Peak (is the Peak even attainable?), our bodies have been reprogrammed to process all of the crap more efficiently and b) our minds have been reprogrammed not to eat all of that crap in the first place. An indulgence here and there will not blow up what we have accomplished...
