Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 78: Muesli and Malevolent Musings

First the muesli.
I had as much as allowable and it was delicious. I'm so excited about the real good food possibilities that are both PCP-friendly AND accepted as 'normal.' Read, not banana-egg white-dinner shakes. Muesli totally fits the healthy and normal bill. As well, it is deliciously scrumptious and varied, depending on the type of fruit and grains and creaminess of the yogurt. The Swiss definitely have this one down. I will master my own version, post-PCP. Or perhaps this week.
Because I need some projects to structure my time.
Now that school has ended, I have much more time on my hands, though not a whole lot of it turns out to be productive.

I am realizing through this project some of my negative habits that interfere with my ability to get stuff done. Putting off a workout through as much of the day as possible, is just one piece of this. Procrastinating the unpleasant-- cleaning, organizing, doing generally unfun tasks-- is all very ordinary, but leads to a sloth-like, searching the web, aimlessly, behavior, that really isn't what I want to spend the bulk of my time doing. If I keep putting off things, because they are hard or unpleasant or take effort and time to achieve, I will turn back into the blob on the couch that I've been working for 70+ days to snap myself out of. I wish I felt energized pre-workout, as I do post-, so that I'd have that kick to get going and do stuff.

Of course, comparing myself to other teammates and previous PCP folks isn't helping, as they seem to be in the 'natural high' portion of enjoying exercise and feeling great about doing workouts and extra sessions of other fun activities. Like doing the 8-Minute Abs routine, just because it is rewarding. People, this is day 78 and I STILL HAVEN'T DONE IT. This happy-exercising-super-productive-successful-and-muscly-PCPer seems to be the norm this far along in the project, but is totally NOT how I'm feeling about my project. I'm struggling still just to do my time, eeking out an hour of hard work, then relaxing again. Is there something wrong with me that I'm still not 'getting' about working out? Am I destined to be a sloth?

Ugh. The negative self-talk certainly isn't helping. Time to go feel good about myself... perhaps with some poorly executed pistol squats?


  1. I'm just like you. I hate workouts. But they've got to get done. Dig deep and find what I call the "grim enthusiasm."

  2. I was never crazy about the workouts either. After PCP was over, I was all, yeah, I'm going to keep this up so I can be a bad ass! But, the reality is that it just wasn't fun. So the good news is that you only have to do it for 12 more days! The other good news is that if you first and foremost stay true to the diet, do exercise that you do find fun (like capoeira!) and move as much as possible (always take the stairs, walk/bike for daily transportation, etc), you won't go back to your pre-PCP body. You won't always be in "peak" condition, but that's the nature of the project. After slugging through these boring workouts, you've built the muscle you need to return to peak condition in a snap whenever you need or want to.

  3. Also, you look great! So even if you feel like a sloth, it's working. :-)

  4. Don't feel alone, I'm in the same boat. My motivation is still on a very low low. I've been searching for inspiration but it's not helping. I have however, found that I'm finally starting to relax about the workouts and think of them as just one of my daily tasks instead of "the most important part of the day". Procrastinating seems to have actually helped with this, as I enjoy it more in the afternoon.

  5. Also- Muesli=amazing. I have just oats in milk for breakfast daily. I'll never eat boxed cereal again. Oats are the best part of food. Ever.
