Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 87: Losing Weight and Wrong-Way Bras

So I'm all for the 8.5 kilo (18 lbs!) weight loss. Sort of surprised that I was carrying around that much extra baggage. No wonder I would be breathing hard by the time I got to the 5th floor of my building...

It's the equivalent of carrying around my vacuum cleaner all day...
or a big watermelon that I could never eat.

Generally it is an excellent thing. I can jump around now and feel light and healthy and good.
But did I really have to lose so much from the boob department?
My formerly too-tight bras have gone from fitting well again to this bizarre elephant skin-fabric indentation thing. It is like a grape, before it becomes a raisin.

Clearly there was something in there once, behind the fabric, but now it is just a memory...

It is awkward especially when trying to shop in a metric-based world. I just have to try lots of things on before I figure out my size in normal clothes. But I had to return some bras that were woefully too large for me in the smallest of sizes! I fear they do not make bras small enough for me in this country. What's less than an A-cup anyway? I think I'm resorting to pre-teen training bras, which are almost like sports bras anyway, until I get this thing figured out!

Enough of the bitching.
Workout update: the supersets are excellent and make me feel super-strong. It is really amazing that I can do these now. I never would have thought it 87 days ago. I am very much like a superhero now when doing my workouts. However, the Davinci/Forward Shoulder Raise combo is KILLLER!!! I had to resort to my green rubber band, which I think is really made for the gray-haired workout crowd. I guess a gray-haired superhero is still a superhero.


  1. The bust will come back in a few weeks, don't worry.

  2. Looking awesome Professora!!!! Great job sticking it out. Patrick is right, don't worry, those mommas will come right back.
