Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 1: Let's Do This

Hello friends and well-wishers!
I'm both really excited and apprehensive right now as I begin this PCP journey. I'm going to be totally fit! But wait... how much jumping rope do I need to do again? My capoeira gals are giving me some serious inspiration (even from 3000+ miles away). Props to Emily, Mickey and Shivani!
This project I'm embarking on is a real departure from my usual laissez-faire attitude toward eating. I'm definitely not the dieting type-- I've always wondered if Weight Watchers and Conde Nast are somehow jointly owned and conspiring to make women feel crappy about their bodies-- but here I go on my first one. I'm not calling it the 'd' word actually, but a 'changing-my-health-and-approach-to-exercising plan' which is quite a mouthful.

Since I moved far, far away, I've totally fallen off the fitness wagon. I miss my capoeiristas, lovely Prospect Park, and both the fun and healthy peer pressure that comes with working out with others. So, I've got 90 days to get my mojo back.

Here's the plan. By the end of this I want to:
  • be able to walk to my 5th floor walk-up without getting winded
  • reconnect with muscles I last remember from rowing crew (my first year of college)
  • slim down from my current weight (my highest ever!)
  • finally do a macaco in capoeira (a kind of sideways, backward handspring thing)

I'm already feeling more aware of my eating habits, but I've had a few "better eat this now, because I won't for 90 days" moments that I know are counterproductive. This week's mission is to eat half of your normal food intake. My stomach is already growling at the thought of half of the cafeteria lunch. It's so measly already!

Already Evening

I made it through both the many sets of jumping rope and the awkward Day 1 photo shoot. Believe me, I don't usually show this much of myself to people I know, let alone potential strangers! But I figure tiny clothes will show more progress.

Breakfast was fine.
I think drinking only this much coffee is probably better for my stomach in the morning.

Things were growling something awful before dinner, but my 1/2 portion was quite satisfying. We'll see if it holds up and if I can keep from getting 'hangry' =hungry+angry, this week (thanks to Mickey from the last PCP group for the awesome new word).

The real debate is about baking. Do I make the strawberry banana chocolate bread tonight that I was planning to do last night, pre-PCP? Can I still bake and bring it in to work so I don't try to cut half-sections of the slices I would probably eat every time I walked into the kitchen? Ugh!

Well, thanks for reading and wishing me luck. I'm sure with dilemmas like these, I'll need it! And to my fellow PCPers, in the words of my inspiration figure: LET'S GET IT STARTED!


  1. Welcome to the PCP! Congratulations on making this commitment. The next 3 weeks are the hardest. Good luck and stay focused!

  2. Where's the Flicker link so we can see your pics?

  3. Hey Jennifer! Great to have you on the team. And awesome goals, especially the handspring--very impressive!

  4. Hello! I was REALLY hungry before dinner too. Feeling better now, but the headache hasn't really gone away. I'm going to blame the late night last night for that though (too excited for PCP to start). :)

    Oh, and I tried Weight Watchers for a while. It was actually pretty good, and I lost about 20 lbs doing it. The reason I stopped was because it didn't have a community aspect for me, and thus relatively little incentive to keep going. The meeting I went to was mostly people 3x my age, so it was hard to relate to them, and then the online tools were great, but I couldn't ever get into the forums there.

    Even so, it was generally a positive expereince for me--less about appearance and more about sensible portion sizes and types of food.

  5. Yay! Go Profesora!! Also, I vote bake.

  6. Strawberry banana chocolate bread? DO IT DO IT!!!

  7. Strawberry banana chocolate bread? DO IT DO IT!!!

  8. Jeepers everyone sure is genki in here!

  9. Make it, Bake it, Put dishwashingsoap on it, eat it?

    Since its still pre pcp, make it with friends and take the half slice, and give the rest away for your friends to enjoy?


  10. Good luck on your PCP journey Profesora. You are going to rock this thing!!! We miss you guys on this side of the pond.

    PS. I think you might be on to something about Weight Watchers and Conde Nast. They are the devil. hahaha
