Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jumping poorly, but awesome nevertheless!

I'm still tripping over my feet.
I think it's getting worse.
I'm trying to find the beat in the music and it is almost never where my natural jump seems to be. So I try to slow down or speed up and then find myself out of breath or waiting an inordinate amount of time in between jumping. Or listening to the music which doesn't match my movement and losing count. Just... no... flow.

Missy Elliot helps sometimes. Lady Gaga has "Just Dance" which works pretty well, and while I can imagine myself in a sort of living room disco-aerobic club at 6am, I still need to mix up the tunes. Before I start working out to a metronome, any suggestions, folks?

I am getting a handle on the food, though I need to spread my lunchtime out over a couple of hours to eat it all. What is awesome is that I have so much energy. I may suffer through lunges (so, so unpleasant), but in my normal day at work, I'm not getting the post-lunch urge to nap or dragging myself to a last period class. I shared my excitement over feeling so good with a co-worker who is a regular exerciser/athlete. It was great to talk to her about feeling healthy and energetic and to feel like we're members in some happy fitness club. Slightly geeky, but good.
But not this geeky.

I still have moments of grumpiness when I really want to go hang out with people and know I shouldn't, because you can't take your digital scale to a restaurant, but I guess the good vibes are starting to override these less productive emotions.

Cooking at home is more fun now that I picked up weird new grains and veggies. There are things in my fridge that I don't know the name for in German or English. I know dinkel means 'spelt' but I have no idea if Dinkel Reis is something you make into bread or cook for breakfast. I'm also going to get hooked up with the German farm delivery circuit where you get a box of in-season local produce delivered to your door. I can't wait. Lately I've been shoving so much farmer's market produce in my bike basket that I'm afraid the whole thing will topple over. Now if they could also bring it up the five flights of stairs to the apartment...


  1. I'm with you on the jumps. Last week when I worked out with Patrick I did my best jumping, 600 jumps with only 2 trips, and he explained how my brain and muscles were now in sync. But since then its been down hill. last night I seemed to be tripping every 30-40 jumps....very frustrating...

  2. I'm doing horribly on the jumps. especially toward the end. I'll start out stringing together 60 or so, and be struggling to do 10 without tripping by the time I'm done. So frustrating...
