Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 4: The Mind's Getting to Me

Just finished the workout and I'm feeling much better.

Yesterday, not so much.
I was feeling hungry, grumpy and thin-skinned as I baked and prepared for a friend's birthday party. The party did solve the chocolate banana strawberry bread dilemma: give it away! Sadly, I didn't take pictures beforehand, but this is kind of what it looked like:

The last-minute grocery shopping and the not-ripe enough tomatoes that I got stressed me out, but it probably wouldn't have turned me into a crying on the kitchen floor event, had I not felt so food-deprived and HUNGRY!

Needless to say, the eggplant dish that I needed the tomatoes for turned out fine and was completely devoured at the party. Yay! Eggplant is turning out to be my new favorite vegetable, ever since I figured out how to broil it. Delicious.

At the party I was trying to explain how to make it and I got completely tongue-tied. I'm not usually the most talkative at parties, but not being able to get a sentence out correctly was really frustrating.

I think I've got to let up a little of the pressure I put on myself to do things well. I'm really working on learning German, but constantly making mistakes, which is funny at first, but then just starts to make me feel incredibly dumb.

This carries over to my workout when I think I'm jumping too fast or too slow, putting too much pressure in my hands during leg-ups or not going down far enough in my push-ups.

I've got to remember it's a process. If I were already awesome at working out, I probably wouldn't be doing PCP!

Well, I'll be working on the mind control aspect today. Maybe this will help:


  1. Don't stress over how good or bad you are at anything these first few weeks. We expect you to screw stuff up and have accounted for it! Chillax!

  2. Profesora! I had no idea you were doing this! AWESOME!!! You're going to rock it!!

  3. That lasagna looks awesome! I'm craving it now. I would say it's good to be aware of how you're doing the workouts, but important not to turn that awareness into a worry. You'll do fine, and we're already at day 5! Keep it up!
